June 16, 2021, 15:00 EEST - Webinar

Taking Automation and AI to the next level

Discover how to scale your automation and artificial intelligence (AI) with hyperautomation.

Event recording

This webinar took place June 16, 2021. However, we’re pleased to present a recording of the session for you to view on-demand.

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When: June 16, 2021, 15:00 - 15:45 EEST

Why do so many automation and AI initiatives fail to scale beyond innovation or isolated deployments? One challenge is that they are often developed in isolation rather than as a part of a broader transformation. We believe they must be treated like any other data and digital transformation programs. Organizations should adopt a hyperautomation approach to ensure this transformation delivers value at speed.

What is hyperautomation? It is the ability to scale automation across the enterprise. Data too sits at the heart of any transformation, informing decisions and shaping automation and AI outcomes.

Hear from Sogeti experts on how to become a Data Master and discover hyperautomation use cases for AI and automation.


How to become a Data Master

It’s not enough just to have data. You must learn to trust it and understand how to use it in your enterprise. Corporate leaders need to know whether that data is accurate and when to take action. In ‘How to become a Data Master’ hear how building trust in your data will enable informed, data-driven and automated decisions across your organization.

Key speaker: Mark Oost, Global CTO Analytics & AI Services, Sogeti

Hyperautomation – Intelligent Transformation at Scale

Hyperautomation enables you to maintain operational accuracy while driving innovation through developing and deploying automation across the enterprise. Discover the secret to automation that’s engineered to be scalable, and find out how moving from manual processes gives you the ability to continuously measure the benefits of automation.

Key speaker: Balaji Rajagopalan, Global Lead Automation & AI, Sogeti

The discussion will be moderated by Jaakko Lehtinen, Director of Automation, AI and Analytics in Finland.


Meet our Leading International Experts

Mark Oost

Global CTO AI & Analytics

Balaji Rajagopalan

Global Lead Automation & AI, Sogeti

Jaakko Lehtinen

Director of Automation, AI and Analytics

Ideas in Action

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Sogeti’s Ideas in Action is a unique webinar series exploring the impact of current and future trends in business and technology.

Designed for those with a keen eye on the future – and a focus on what’s practically possible today – these webinars discuss how to make new ideas a reality using existing and emerging technologies.


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If you have any questions, please contact

Juha Tiainen
Juha Tiainen
AAA sales representative
Phone: +358401985256