
The True Value of Testing

Being an agile tester himself, Ben Visser, our SogetiLabs Fellow, asks the developers to align the test strategy with the development lifecycle and eliminate the root cause analysis.

One of the things I like the most about Agile is its focus on Value. Someone recently sent me a link to a Google blog on End-to-End testing that stated: “A failing test does not directly benefit the user”. Value is only created when the bug is fixed!

All too often test strategies identify several test types (often depicted as a Test Pyramid) and focus on identifying the system/software components that pose the highest risk and tune the test approach and activities to that end and that’s it. Done! We know how to most effectively find bugs! From then, it’s up to the developers to fix it.

Read the entire blog post and interact with Ben on SogetiLabs website.

  • Ben Visser
    Ben Visser
    Test Manager
    +31 88 660 66 00