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Generative AI
Artificial intelligence
February 19, 2024
Ever since I was a child, I’ve been fascinated with the idea of creating— whether it’s drawings, texts, essays, graphics, sounds, or music. How does one manifest an idea into reality? How can something that exists only in your mind become visible to the outer world? In my head, I can imagine and see thousands of ideas swirling around, initially appearing hazy and formless. However, after contemplating them, they start to take shape. It then requires a huge amount of dedication to bring that idea into the physical world, whether the final medium is an essay, painting, piece of music, or any other form. It’s not the medium that should dictate the idea, but the idea that dictates its form—in which medium does the idea become most clear?
This fascination with the imaginative power of home video recorders led me to make my own video “films” at the beginning of the 2000s. They were more like a 13-year-old’s idea of cool, but looking back, it was the first time home video recorders became available to the masses. These shorts were cheap 10-minute shorts where I filmed my brother in our parents’ garage and in the nearby forest. We would have our cousin film and act in our scenes—anything we could afford to have for free. Everything was edited in Windows Movie Maker and finally burned onto a DVD. I still have that DVD.
During my 20s, while studying at the Tampere University of Technology, I supported myself partially by filming commercial videos and music videos for bands. It was a really fun and creatively flourishing time, and I have many fond memories of filming those videos. In one, I was hanging from the back of a moving car, while trying to film the band’s singer running. In another, I was in the middle of a river in waist-high waters. We were always trying to be creative, figuring out how to achieve the most within our limits. Could we borrow a fog machine from the local theatre? Could we film this in a friend’s cellar? We used anything we could that, with some clever styling, fit within our world.
Now, in 2025, the first quarter of the 21st century is behind us. During this time, we saw the rise of the Internet, mobile phones, and the digitalization of our processes, economy, and society. What are we going to see in the next 25 years?
With large language models and generative models, this has been an exhilarating time for me to finally be able to fully use Gen AI for video generation. We’re almost there, on the brink of fully generating entire movies. You can generate albums worth of music in any genre you want, you can generate images of anything you can think of, you can generate any 3D model or a sound effect you might need. You can now manifest things into reality without doing the actual laborious implementation. So, I would say that our imagination is now the only limit, and this time I mean it.
It’s going to be an amazing time to be a creator. If you can imagine it, you can visualize it. Or make it a song. Or a poem. Don’t limit yourself. An explosion of creativity is just about to go off, and I can’t wait to see what people with ideas but without the technical knowledge can now manifest!
Be creative, be smart, be legal!
Managing Consultant
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