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BLOGCOME TO US2024-08-01Ohjelmistotestaus ja –automaatio sytyttivät uudelleen Aarnen liekin IT-alaa kohtaanKirjavan työ- ja yrittäjätaustan kerryttänyt Aarne opiskeli automaatiota ja koodasi jo vuosia sitten, mutta välillä urapolku vei visuaalisiin hommiin. Kaipuu ohjelmistojen pariin johdatti hänet Sogeti Academyyn, jonka myötä Aarne on matkalla ohjelmistokonsultoinnin ammattilaiseksi.
BLOGCOME TO US2024-07-31Alanvaihtaja Sonja sai täydellisen startin testaus- ja automaatiokonsultin uralleKiinnostus IT-alaa kohtaan kummitteli Sonjan mielessä useamman vuoden, kunnes hän lopulta rohkaistui kokeilemaan alanvaihtoa. Uusi urapolku käynnistyi toden teolla Sogeti Academy -ohjelman kautta, josta Sonja sai kattavat eväät testaus- ja automaatiokonsultin tehtäviin. Kysyimme Sonjalta kokemuksia Akatemiasta, ajatuksia IT-alasta, ja terveisiä muille alanvaihtoa harkitseville.
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UUTISETFINANCIAL NEWS2024-07-26Capgemini H1 2024 resultsH1 2024 revenues of €11,138 million, -2.5% year-on-year on a reported basis. Growth at constant exchange rates* of -2.6% in H1 and -1.9% in Q2. Resilient Operating margin* at 12.4%, stable year-on-year. Organic free cash flow* of €163 million, up €216 million year-on-year. 2024 constant currency revenue growth target adjusted to -0.5% to -1.5% (was 0% to 3%). 2024 operating margin and organic free cash flow targets confirmed. -
RAPORTITDATA & AI2024-07-07Turbocharging software with Gen AIDiscover how the future of software engineering is being shaped by generative AI. Capgemini Research Institute’s report, Turbocharging software with Gen AI, explores the benefits and opportunities that generative AI brings to software engineering.
BLOGDATA & AI2024-06-24Gen AI for Software & Quality Engineering - Elevate your possibleWhen we look at the history of software engineering and quality engineering (QE), we often see significant shifts occurring every decade or so. Each has brought with it new tools, processes and methodologies that have improved the way we develop, test, and maintain software applications, and by extension, the experiences we deliver to end users.
PALVELUTTESTAUS2024-06-20Gen AI Amplifier for Software & Quality EngineeringGen AI Amplifier puts expertly crafted prompts with advanced AI technologies at the heart of the development process to deliver a step-change in trust, quality, and speed throughout the development lifecycle, so you can elevate your possible.
RAPORTITDATA & AI2024-06-10Generative AI – built for businessAs part of a broader AI and data science toolkit, GenAI analyzes and replicates patterns within extensive datasets, performing tasks that were once thought to be exclusive to humans. In this paper, we explore what GenAI is, its functionalities, and the essential considerations for enterprise-wide implementation.
BLOGDATA & AI2024-06-102024 and Gen AI – let’s move from pilots to productionGen AI will continue to embed itself into many aspects of our lives as we move slowly towards the possible ultimate expression of AI itself - the ability for a machine to think and act on its own accord. Read this blog where Joakim Wahlqvist, Global CTO Data & AI, Sogeti navigates tomorrow with forward focus.
RAPORTITFINANCIAL NEWS2024-06-07TechnoVision 2024: Financial ServicesThe profound impact of technology on a global scale is undeniable. With the rise of generative AI and substantial advancements in computing power and digital connectivity, extensive transformation is happening at a rapid pace across the financial services industry.
MIKSI SOGETI?TESTAUS2024-05-14Navigating Complexity: Outokumpu’s Testing Journey in a Large Scale TransformationThe importance of comprehensive and efficient testing is undeniable. As technology continues to push boundaries and redefine possibilities, so does quality engineering and testing. This reference case highlights the importance of business process driven approach on independent testing service approach in global, multi-year business and IT transformation programs.