Playing with Reality #1

Playing with reality #1: "Life of an avatar"

We all know, the online world today is filled with avatars, deep fakes and people playing with their own realities. From time travel to exploring the Metaverse, Playing With Reality will put the spotlight on a variety of such topics and current trends, challenging boundaries.

What is life like living as a virtual avatar? Will the Metaverse be a boon or a bane? Find out on this very first episode of Playing with Reality. Join our host Menno Van Doorn, Research Director at Sogeti, where he explores the Metaverse and its possibilities with industry experts, Beth Coleman and Martijn Klerks

Beth Coleman is an Associate Professor of Data & Cities at the University of Toronto, where she directs the City as Platform lab. Her research focuses on smart technology & machine learning, urban data, and civic engagement. In 2011, she published the book Hello Avatar, an examination of online identity and the ‘x-reality’ between the virtual and the real. 

Martijn Klerks is an infrastructure engineer at Sogeti. He is also a hardware specialist in VR technologies, working with Slime VR to create affordable and opensource VR technologies available to the public. 

Listen to Episode #1 - Life in the Virtual World

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  • Menno van Doorn
    Menno van Doorn
    Director of VINT/SogetiLabs
    +31 6 51 27 09 85