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A Smart and Connected World: An IoT Ecosystem for the Future

Iot (Internet of Things) is full of initiatives that could lead to incompatible or antagonism solutions and standards. The last IDF (Intel developer Forum) this year provided a 360° vision of what could be a future IoT ecosystem.

IoT initiatives could be categorized in 3 different development streams:


Some examples of sensification are already up and running today:

  • Wake and voice: The machine is constantly listening (even in stand-by mode) to its environment thanks to audio technology embedded into the micro-processor. This technology is included for example into Cortana and windows 10 from Microsoft.
  • Realsense is used for :
    • Drone and other type of machine avoiding obstacles along their route
    • You can capture in real time your environment in 3D with your smartphone (Tango project for Google)
    • In some hostel, you are already welcomed by robot (butler project of Savioke)

It is interesting to notice that lots of initiatives leverage open source technologies (e.g. Open source Robotics foundation) [...]


To read the whole post and interact, please visit the SogetiLabs blog: A Smart and Connected World: An IoT Ecosystem for the Future